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:::::: Results for 'New PubMed articles related to Schistosoma' at PubMed

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128 hits after first visit for ' Schistosoma [ALL] or schistosoma [ALL] or blood-fluke [ALL] or Schistosomatidae [ALL] '

 Today's new results (1 item in total):

1:   Simphor E, Rognon A, Vignal E, Henry S, Allienne JF, Turtoi A, Chaparro C, Galinier R, Duval D, Gourbal B.   Related Articles
  Combining a transcriptomic approach and a targeted metabolomics approach for deciphering the molecular bases of compatibility phenotype in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata toward Schistosoma mansoni.
  Acta Trop. 2024 Apr 17;:107212. [Epub ahead of print]
  PMID: 38641222 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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:::::: Results for 'New Genbank sequences for Schistosoma' at GenBank

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